Message from the CEO

Wells House has been an important part of our community for over 40 years. Providing substance use treatment services to adults struggling with the disease of addiction is our primary mission. We are committed to improving the quality of life of individuals, families and communities by providing effective, compassionate, respectful, and culturally competent substance use disorder services.
We aspire to provide a setting where individuals receive care that will empower them to develop hope and healing in a supportive, recovery focused environment while fostering independence and self-sufficiency.
Addiction is a public health crisis. Overdose is the #1 cause of accidental death in our country. Effective substance use disorder treatment is hard to access and is rarely covered by insurance; when it is covered by insurance, coverage limits often reduce access to care and/or significantly limit the time in treatment. Stigma is alive and well in our community and people with substance use disorders continue to be blamed for their disease. Despite all of these barriers, addiction is treatable, and people are recovering! All of us at Wells House are proud to provide a safe place for men and women to decide to take action and begin rebuilding their lives. Our staff prioritizes compassion and understanding in the treatment and support of our patients. We are passionate about the work we do and are committed to enhancing the recovery of individuals with substance use disorders. We witness every day how the investment in recovery improves the lives of patients, their families, and our community.
-Charlie Mooneyhan, CEO